Awesome Skylar. First, Hama Hama is one of my favorite restaurants in the world and I think THE quintessential NW restaurant. Second, I’ve harvested a lot of oysters … but not off the beach. A buddy and I set up our own oyster grow operation in the water out front of his parent’s house on Whidbey Island and did a bi-weekly harvest for months, until I got too sick of driving up to Whidbey all the time. But I’ve never tried the open harvesting like this and now I’ve got to. Nice article and nice pics.

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One of my favorite activities in the PNW is harvesting oysters. Grab a couple of camp chairs, head down to the beach, and harvest your own food. Sounds perfect. The first time we did this I remember the sign saying you can’t take the shells but there wasn’t any other info, luckily some fisherman were packing up for the day and filled us in. It’s just a really unique activity. Can’t wait to go again this year!

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I have always wanted to try this! Thanks for the tips

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